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Tubular Battery Maintenance: 5 steps on how to properly fill your Tubular Batteries.

The Importance of Proper Refilling

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Make your Tubular Batteries last longer.

Maintaining tubular batteries is essential to ensure their optimal performance and longevity. One critical aspect of this maintenance is the refilling process. While it might be tempting to use readily available rainwater, doing so can harm your battery. In this article, we’ll explain why distilled water is the best choice and provide a step-by-step guide on how to properly refill your tubular battery.


1. Understanding Tubular Batteries

Tubular batteries are widely used in inverters and solar systems due to their durability and efficiency. These batteries contain a lead-acid electrolyte and require regular maintenance, particularly water refilling, to function correctly.

2. Why Refilling is Necessary?

During the charging and discharging cycles, tubular batteries lose water through evaporation. This water loss needs to be replenished to maintain the battery’s efficiency and prevent damage. Topping up the water levels periodically ensures that the electrolyte remains at the correct concentration and the battery performs optimally.

3. The Right Type of Water to Use

Not all water is suitable for refilling tubular batteries. The water used should be distilled (or demineralized) water. Distilled water is free from impurities and minerals that can damage the battery. Here’s why distilled water is the best option:

  1. Purity: Distilled water is free from contaminants that can affect battery performance.
  2. No Minerals: Unlike tap or rainwater, distilled water doesn’t contain minerals that can lead to sulfation and reduce battery life.

4. Why Not to Use Rainwater

Although rainwater is natural and seemingly clean, it is not suitable for tubular batteries due to the following reasons:

  1. Pollutants and Contaminants: Rainwater can contain dust, pollutants, and other contaminants that can harm the battery.
  2. Impurity: Rainwater lacks the necessary purity for battery cells.
  3. Mineral Content: Minerals in rainwater can cause sulfation, a process that deteriorates the battery’s plates and shortens its lifespan.

5. Proper Refilling Procedure

Tubular Battery filling process

To ensure your tubular battery lasts long and performs well, follow these steps for proper refilling:

  1. Use Distilled Water: Always use distilled water, which is readily available at petrol bunks or stores.
  2. Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines: Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for the correct water levels. Overfilling can cause spills and damage.
  3. Avoid Overfilling: Fill the water up to the recommended level and avoid overfilling to prevent potential issues.

Incorporating these steps into your regular tubular battery maintenance routine will help keep your battery in optimal condition.

Additional Tips for Tubular Battery Maintenance

  1. Regular Inspection: Frequently check the water levels and the overall condition of the battery.
  2. Clean the Battery Terminals: Ensure the terminals are clean and free from corrosion to maintain good electrical contact.
  3. Keep the Battery in a Cool, Dry Place: Avoid exposing the battery to extreme temperatures, which can affect its performance and lifespan.
  4. The Temperature of the Distilled water matters, it should be at room temperature, neither too cold or too Hot.

Importance of Water Temperature in Tubular Battery Maintenance

  1. Avoiding Thermal Shock:
    • If the distilled water is too cold, adding it to a warm battery can cause thermal shock. This sudden temperature change can damage the battery’s internal components and reduce its efficiency and lifespan.
    • Conversely, using hot water can also be problematic, as it can accelerate the evaporation process and potentially cause other thermal stresses.
  2. Optimal Temperature:
    • The distilled water should ideally be at room temperature. This helps ensure that the water mixes well with the electrolyte without causing any thermal stress.
    • Room temperature water (around 20-25°C or 68-77°F) is generally safe to use.
  3. Consistency with Battery Temperature:
    • If the battery has been operating and is warm, try to use water that is not significantly cooler than the battery to prevent any potential issues


Proper maintenance, especially refilling with the right type of water, is crucial for the longevity and performance of your tubular battery. Avoid using rainwater and always opt for distilled water to ensure your battery remains in top condition. By following these guidelines, you can maximize the lifespan and efficiency of your tubular battery.

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